Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday blues
4:54 AM
Oh... another week had past and it's Monday again. Not again...a start of another gruelling week. Sighs...
I just miss my weekends so much. Aww... I just couldn't stop cuddling my blanket. How I wish I could lay in my bed forever and count those lambs. One, two, three...LOLS
This reminded me of the past when I love my blanket so much that I actually smuggled my blanket to school. HAHA. It is just so soft, cuddle-ish and.... But that is years ago, I was naive at that time though. HAHA, but it is still funny to think of the stupid actions that I have done.
Anyways, last week was quite an eventful one for me.
We had our Chinese 'o' Oral and I must say the topic was pretty easy. It is about the "Bring you own bag day" which I have done 2 compositions on. It was quite lucky for me plus coupled with these two experiences that I had, I think I would flare pretty well.
I am not sure if I am out of my mind that day that I actually returned back home at 8.45pm. Uh-oh... I got a tougue slashing from my dad that day. He was really angry and he even called Isabella to ask where I am. LOLS. It is a bit ridiculous to ask the reason on why I am late. But's okays. HAHA.
We had NCHS Shine on last Saturday too. Everyone was required to head back to school. I thought it would be another boring session but instead it turned out to be fun! I swept through the Jumbo sale and bought a Corinne Bailney Rae CD for less than a dollar. Isn't it a steal? Other than that, me and Ang Sian also paid for "My stamp" ; a personalised set of stamps with your photos on it. LOLS. It was kinda lame but haha... who cares?
I guess this is most successful event NCHS has ever organised.

I m the fairest one!! Don't say I m not!! hehe=)
Oh well, I guess it is time for me to head back to my study table. Byes...
Okays...I know I m random but I m crazy anout buns. It is a pity that I have such a short hair. Awww...

Labels: Nuts about buns
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I don't understand me
6:58 AM
I have all my feelings mixed up. I don't understand what am I thinking. I don't understand what my heart is telling me. What is happening? Why is my heart feeling this way while my brain is feeling the other? My brain is saying "yes, yes, yes," while my heart is telling me "no, no, no," I had went all out for soyabean but it seem like I m only chasing after a dream. It is just a dream, it doesn't exist! Wake up, jiahui!
Sighs...after so much obsession about -, I had just realised how I really feel. I have woken up from my dream but my heart is still clingling on it. It just seems like I could never be able to let go. I m clinging on something that did not even exist in the first place.
what is this?

Labels: lost
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
A brand new term.
9:41 AM
Hi people.
School has just started and life has been ...bad. Sec 4 life seriously sucks to the core. Errrwww... homework are just piling up there there doesn't seem to be an end. This is just so disgusting. Worse of all, we are booked by teachers to stay back after school and doesn't it mean that we have lesser time to do more homework? This is so irony.LOLS.
Maybe I shall praise the school for being so "efficent". Do you know that they are sooo bloodly efficent that we have been told O LEVELS ORAL IS JUST 4 DAYS LATER just yesterday. Ahem. This is the worse it could ever get. We belong to the 2nd day according to national standards, this is already very unlucky however worse of all, we are the first batch from the school. I am freaking out!! Sighs...
Anyways...Mr Tien said that we are supposed to study 6 hours per day in order to get aroung 12 to 14 points for L1R5. 8 to 10 hrs if u r aaiming for 8 to 10 points. This is so ridiculous! don't u think so? How could you study 8-10 hrs per day(excluding school hrs) when we end class at 5? Do u mean u would rush back home, take a 15 mins break and start mugging at 6, all the way to 2 or 4AM!!?? This is nuts.
I bet we would be seeing pandas soon.
Anyways I would be swiching my habit of a-blog-a-day to a-week-a-blog. LOLS...there isn'y any time left!! to study my history!!
Labels: time is precious
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Happy Sweet Sixteen to Yihao and Jolyn!
9:38 AM
9:01 AM

The holidays would soon be coming to an end. This sucks.
I don't know why but I M SO I INEFFICENT THIS WEEK!!!!!! I can't stand it. I don't know why but time just seems to have flown by this week. URGH.... I only managed to complete my homework this week, NOTHING ELSE! OMG, I did not even follow my time-table once for this whole week. Oh crap, I m so gonna D-I-E. Why? why? why? why?????? I could feel the pangs of guilt swallowing me. Urgh...I just could not stand my laziness. Oh my...I HATE MYSELF FOR BEING SO INEFFICENT!!!!! I HATE MYSELF SO MUCH!
Seriously... I am so gonna going to hate myself if I could not do well for 'O' levels. AAARRRGGGHHH...another 3 months left. I feel as if I m burning in the pits of hell.
Okays...maybe it is time to swear.
I swear...
1) to work doubly hard and to listen attentively in class.
2) to complete one paper/day as revision
3) to do wadeva I could to score for humanities essays.
4) to work super duper doubly hard for English. Oh man...
5) to complete ALL work given.
Or else,
I could not dream of soyabean anymore. <- this shall be my punishment.
I am feeling so disappointed with myself. I felt as if I have let Tien, Mr seah, Mr Rahim, Betsy and my paents down.
It's time to wake up.
Emo-ing. I have to stop my addiction to blogging and my obsession about Soyabean. I have to...
Labels: I don't know.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Dreams, dreams, dreams
5:31 AM

They are just so lovely and wonderful.
Throughout the whole week, I had been dreaming of lots of stuffs. They are such lovely dreams, really lovely.
There is one when I dremt of Jolyn and Yi Hao cutting a cake together as if they were getting married. If I m not wrong, this shd be my last last dream, just 2 days ago.
There is another one which I dreamt that I steaded with someone in our class (very unexpected one) and is so funny and really unexpected.
There is also one which I dreamt of Mr ong and a lot of NCHS students searching for the "bad guys" who were currently Olivia, Bella and Ah chrip. LOLs... we hid togeher in the Toilet and they couldn't find us. Erm...this isn't really a nice dream actually. But eventually, they didnt manage to catch us.HAHA.
There is also one which I dreamt of Soya and gang heading to the cinema while another one is abou tme pestering soya's friend throughout the whole week. LOLs.
My dreams comes in a wide variety rights?
Today's dream is really different and it is all about me and Soya. Awww... It was so real-life like that I almost thought it was true. I was so startled that I jumped out of my bed. Awww...but it was a really lovely dream. Haha.
I don't know why but I posess this ability to be able rmb my dreams very clearly. Maybe it is just a gift from god. LOLS, who knows?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Drain my energy.
9:12 AM
Hey all.
I had just come back from P.S and I am feeling really tired. Awww...I just wish like lying on my bed, cuddling my blanket.
Okays, let me do a brief introduction then. Let it be a fast one!
I woke up early in the moring to collect my prize. After that, my dad and I went to AMK Courts to take a look at stuffs.
I returned home feeling tired so I did a little maths before taking a nap.
I woke up, ate another packet of Nasi Lemak and head for tuition at AMK.
I continued my journey to Plaza Singapura, met up with Kim and ate dinner. The most important thing- to collect my cakes before going back at 9. We did a slight window shopping here and there though.

My 913 fun pack!

Vadoom, these are all the goodies inside. Most importantly, my tickets!!

My favourite chocolate cake!!
Yawns..I m feeling really beat now. Byes...sweet dreams.
Pleae rmb to meet at Compass Mcds 10.30 tomorrow!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
What a day!
7:08 AM
Hi all.
So yeah, my cousins went back today cause my aunt and uncle have returned back from Japan just yesterday night. Isn't it cool? I bet they have lots of fun there, judging from the way they chatted with my mum (who is having Japan craze everyday). LOLS. They bought lots of sweets and pokeys back and a box of cheesecake too. I must say...their cheesecake is really great. The cheese inside is so creamy and soft. Mmmm...
Anyways, I had this really painful tummyache that lasted me the whole day. It gets worse when it started raining, so actually, I didn't manage to complete anything today. Sighs.... I missed another day of timetable again. OH NO....
I guess this "tummy rheumatism" of mine really comes at the right time.LOLS.
BIG BIG BIG sighs... I guess others are catching up with me soon. Nnnnnooo....
Today is quite like a full-of-surprises day for me. Well, lots of unexpected stuffs just pop up in my life out of nowhere.
Firstly, my family and I actually plan to sit that DHL balloon today but as we are getting ready, it just started raining cats and dogs out there so eventually, it was cancelled.
Then, this tummyache came by and left me so restless all day.
After this, as I was in-charge of an event that is up coming soon, I had to spend my day organising for it, doing all the last mintine ordering and stuffs. It was quite a hectic day for me, actually.
Next, my mum suddenly had this urge for me to send her photos to her friend in America, so yeah, I had to assist her and wasted almost 2 hours of my time. LOLS.
Last of all, my cousins have just bought us Jumbo's Chili Crab for supper. Woah...I was stunned when I saw my mum savouring those crabs when she called for me. I have just had my fill before heading up here to blog. was nice, moreover, coupled with my mum's Soursop desert, it was quite an enjoying supper.
Maybe it shall be a better day tmr.
I have just reserved the cake for my mum and the auntie on the phone is so cute! I was like asking her if there is any delivery services and she is like "Ai yoh, very expensive leh." i was like" so how much is it?" And she replied "$50 LOLS. It costs even more than the cake itself!" The charges for the delivery serivces is really over-priced. But she is really nice and she even offered me some suggestions about the cakes too.
Kim and I would be going to P.S tomorrow night to get some last minute thing done. LOLS. Because my mum has ordered the chocolate fudge cake from Rive Guache so I would also be going there to collect it for her tmr night. Mmmm...I kant wait to eat the cake!
My mum just asked if I want a Fuji 8.1 camera, and I was like "huh?". LOLS. My mum is getting so weird nowadays. Maybe she is just having a good mood today.

Labels: smiles
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Songs stuck in my head.
8:20 AM
Lady Luck is shining on me.
5:09 AM
Hello people.
I went for another dentist appointment today. This time,alone. mum is supposed to go there with me but she had an immediate notice so she had rush to work instead.
Overall, The whole process was quite bearable but that part when he drills into my teeth hurts a little. It's that kind of very very chilly cold of pain that leaves your gums numb after that. I was kind of relieved when it finally ended. LOLS.
So did anyone of you make anything for fathers' day? I know it's kind of so-over but I m just curious. Please reply at the taggie board!! Thanks in advance=)
Well... as for me, I made him an online card yesterday night. I know it is one day late, so I wrote there "Happy Belated Fathers'Day" LOLS. I did not write much cause I m not really close to my dad but at least I managed to give him a card!! (My brother didn't)
Actually... I was thinking of buying my dad smthg. I was bathing and I was thinking of what I bought for my mum...A ROSE!! So my imagination ran wild and I imagined my dad smelling a rose. Ewww...I was laughing hysterically in the bathroom. My grandma thought I was insane. LOLs.
I supposed it was this card that made him come to this senses and made him decide to...
YAYS!! I m so over the moon. Seriously, the place is situated at such a "ulu" place and I don't even know how it looks like. I checked the map and the "bus booklet" on how to get there but it seems like there is no direct bus at all. How irritating this is??!! But luckily, he made the right choice at the right time, in fact in the last minute. I was just preparing to go there today but fortunately, he made a call just 15minutes before i left the house. Phew...
Eventually, I reached home in the afternoon. Initially, I intended to complete two of my compres but I was so tired that I fell right asleep, while my radio continued playing marie digby's album. Her album really rocks. It is very easy-lestening with a little of rooves in some of the songs!!! I love 'Stupid for you, Unfold, Better off alone and Fool by her. Actually, I guess I love all her songs except for umbella!
Today is a great day for me except that I slacked a little too much. Opps....

P.S Marie Digby is so pretty rights??!!
Labels: I love Olivia's brain
Monday, June 16, 2008
My small inspirations of the day(II)
5:56 AM
This is my second post of the day. Opps...I m getting addicted to blogging.
The blue sky just looked so calming, so full of serenity and the cool air is just so refreshingly inviting... coupled with the bright sun, well okay, I don't really like sun too much but it's nothing as long as I have my trusty sunblock! Lols. It just makes me wanna get up, get out and go jogging, which i did.
A few raindrops that pelted on my skin trickled down my arms as I made my way against the cool gushing wind. There was nobody on the road, just me; alone. I continued running, running and running. The sensation is just great, I feel just like a bird, just so carefree. There is no one stopping me, no one to obstruct my way, just me alone. I had only one goal- to finsh this run without stopping.
Not far away, I sighted a familar provision shop. Memories just kept flooding in. Flashes of my childhood flickers in my mind. My Paddapop icecream, that friendly uncle, that old telephone... It's been some time since I have visited this old childhood memory of mine.
I know I have to listen to my heart. I know I have to stop and take a look.
I slowered my pace to a jog and headed inside with great curiosity. Nothing changed at all. It is still the same small, cosy family shop at the junction of a road. The shop is still as messy and run down but the uncle is still as friendly and amiable, it still sells my favourite ice-cream, it still carries many products that aren't available anywhere else already. Eventually, I left the shop feeling contented, with my Padapop on my left hand and a packet of old-school circular bisuits on the other, just to reminisce myself of my childhood.
As I ambled my way back home, I feel as if life is full of surprises. I would never expect this small jog that would bring me bring so many memories of the past.
Through I have not acheived my goal, it seems like I have made an unexpected discovery. Probably, this is like the path to success. We could be fearless and anxious at first to complete our race. But sometimes, maybe a small break could give you unexpected outcomes, just like this one.
Labels: You are like traffic in my head.
My small little inspiration of the day
2:44 AM
Today's oral is a breeze though it was quite scary initially. Mdm/Mrs Tan is in charge of our class and she is really nice!!
She was like smiling the way through and paitently listening to what we are saying. It calms my nerves in some way.LOLS. The conversation question is really easy, and I was asked this question: "What is your favourite food?" I was like "Huh? WHAT A LAME QUESTION!" I paused for a few seconds before replying "Soyabean!" LOLS. I giggled a little and she laughs too. I guess it was a really funny and weird answer, but I added on elaboration to strenghten my point, like why I like it. I was practically crapping all the way through like "It is nutritious, healthy, cheap...blah blah " I told Oli and Pearl about my answer and they almost bang their heads on the wall. HAHA.
Pearl and I went to Mcdonalds for lunch ard 2.30 and chit-chatted about JC stuffs till 3.30. Sighs...the thought of going to JC just makes me sick. Partly because my cousin had been staying in my house for the past few days, that's why I gained quite a lot of knowledge about JC life. I was practically stunned when I saw her notes which is like 14 drawing blocks long for just 1 unit! I flipped through and, of course, saw some that we have leaarnt. However, I realised that what we have learnt is only the introduction part of each chapter. I m serious, not kidding! It is just a small chunk of everthing. Take a peek at her notes and you will understand that doom is just lying ahead of us. Sighs...I feel so afraid in such a sudden, seriously....

Labels: Enjoy while you can
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Another lazy sunday...
5:50 AM
My english tuition was cancelled today!
I woke up at 7.30 as usual and headed for my math tuition. It lasted till 11 and I went AMK hub after that to buy a new water bottle cause I have losted mine. However, I realised that those in Mini-toons are kind of over-priced and it is too small for my liking so I decided not to buy instead. I walked around aimlessly for a while before taking a bus home.
It was just kind of rare to see me at home on a sunday morning. Well, since english tuition was cancelled, I decided to read The Sunday Times and Lifestyle to compenstate for the time I am supposed to be doing english. LOLs.
Erm...The sunday times and Lifestyle newspapers published today are actually quite nice to read. Truthfully, they are less-political and the content is much more interesting when compared to The Straits Times. That's why I would always try my best not to miss any issues. I took 2 hours to read them paitently, word by word!! That is how interesting they could be! Did you know that "soyabean" comes is different flavours?!! If u know what I mena, Laugh out loud. Opps...I am getting so random.
Anyways, I have completed the Deyi-midyear paper that my math tutor had given us earlier, and I must say my hard work has paid off. The revision that I have done over the holidays has really helped me in recalling the facts and formulas pretty well and I am able to complete it 30 mins before the whole paper is supposed to end (without any help of the txb). That is a miracle, to me!! HAHA. Whee...I am feeling ecstatic!!
LOLS. I allowed myself to take a nap to "reward" myself after that.
Sighs...We have to go back school tomorrow for the english Oral Examinations. I m feeling really nervous now and I could imagine extactly what the scenario would be like tmr. My heart will be racing, my palms will be sweating profusely and my stomach will be feeling as if there are butterflies in there. OH NO... Moreover, I have not revised the tactics that Ms Betsy has taught us. Sighs...I am feeling regretful now and I shall revise now before it is too late!!
Off to study english!!!!

Labels: Shin chan is so cute.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Trigo just sucks
8:32 AM
I dedicated my whole saturday sfternoon to doing Trigo revision.
it simply equals to no results. TRIGO SIMPLY SUCKS!!!
It is so confusing and there is like a thousand rules to abide by. Sometimes, even choosing the right rule could be a headache too. I JUST HATE IT! Uhhhh... I tried doing three questions in the Ten Year Series before going for tuition but I could not even complete one. Sighs....
There is one thing to rejoyce about- I m on the dot for tuition. I met lots of Nan chaius on the way there. Two in that 20mins journey plus one in Hougang mall! LOLs, but i m too shy to do anything so I pretended not to notice them. Hehe. Okays...I admit I m bad but I m not really close to them so maybe ignoring them is a better option. I m sorry if I have pissed off anyone=) Sorries!
Anyways...A funny incident has just happened. My bother and Meryl(my cousin) were on the net reading some drama-story when Sheryl(my another cousin) walked in and chanced upon this pretty nice purple box. She was like "Whoa, Whose box is it?" and I replied " Jiahao. Yeah...I know he uses Whisper." Sheryl and I broke into laugher while my brother was still like " Huh?", unsure of the situation he was in. Seconds later he finally understand what we were laughing about after realising the "whisper" word printed on the box.
He was like" No lorhs...I don't use them!". His toe was bleeding at the point of time, so and I was like "I thought you use them to stop the bleeding in your toe?"
We almost rolled on the floor with laughter. LOLS. I admit I was bad to my brother but he takes jokes pretty well. He was not even angry at all, instead he even joined in the laughter with us!! HAHA..Isn't he cute? That's why I love hitting his tummy that much!! HAHA...I just love to "suan" my brother so much!

Labels: I enjoy my brother's company.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Another quiz.
9:23 AM this is the quiz that Wen Xin and Nigel tagged me to do.
1. if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
i would confront him, wear a killer heel, give him a tight slap and step on his toes. He deserves it for hurting my feelings.
2. if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
To be with Soyabean and be lovely and pretty forever.
3. what will your dream wedding be like?
Erm...It shall be shall in a ballroom, with pink, white and red as the main colours. It shall be as lovely as possible, just like those in Cinderalla stories. HAHA.
4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Of course, I am excited and anxious as well.
5. What is your ideal lover like?
Erm... I think I have answered this before. He should be gentlemanly, caring and thoughful. Most importantly, to truely love me and to be able to make me laugh. HEHE.
6. what is more blessed, loving someone or loved by someone?
As the saying goes, "It is better to be loved than to love someone." I guess to be loved ia a better option. Loving someone that isn't interested in you could be a very hurtful and painful truth to accept.Lols.
7. how long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
It depends but I would wait as long as it takes if he is really the one.
8. if the person you secretly like is attached, what would you do?
Continue to live on and try to maintain a friendship with him.
9. is there anything tt has made you unhappy these days?
Nothing much except grades and some truth that could not be changed and has to be accept.
10. is being tagged fun?
Yes. But this is such a lame question.
11. how do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I would say a sucessful and single career woman. Most likely to be an owner of a boutiqe. That's my ambition!!
12. who are currently the most important ppl to you?
My mum. Soyabean. Friends.
13. what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Her: A chirpy, Sweet and smart girl.
Him: A smart but bit of pessimistic kind of guy.
14. Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor?
Rich and single for sure. I mean u could get married one day and get rich and married rites?!!
15. what is the first thing you do in the morning?
Switch on my radio.
16. would you give all in a relationship?
I would say 90%.
17. if you fall in love with 2 person simultaneously, who would you pick?
The person who loves me most.
18. what type of friends do you like?
I love all my friends. But I think having true friends that are willing to listen to me when I m down are rare. I guess these are the ones that i am still looking for.
19. what type of friends do you dislike?
Those that backstabs and those with multiple personalities. I don't think I would befriend them in the first place.
instructions: tag 8 ppl to do this and the person who have been tag must write their answers on their blogs and cannot tag the person who tagged them. state the person who tagged you and cannot refuse tag. get the game going
The friday that lies on the 13th.
8:02 AM
Oh, so it was said to be an unlucky day for everyone as today is FRIDAY THE 13. Okays...It is just a saying but I believed in it. Oh well...but apparently, bad luck did not befall on me today. Thats a lucky thing thorough.
As usual, I woke up, brushed my teeth, eat and started mugging after that. I had Nasi Lemak for breakfast!! was, two...third Nasi Lemak for the week. I am such in love with Nasi Lemak nowadays!!
My house is such a lively place today. My mum and dad just happened to be on leave today so there were a total of 8 people at my cosy, little home today. Isn't it crowded?!
Well...nothing much happens for day except from the occassional random laughter that me and my cousin had while studying. Oh yea, just a few days ago, the radio station sms-ed me and reminded me to collect the tickets for the DHL balloon ride within these two weeks. Sighs... my dad is such a lazy bum and he just simply refuses to fetch me to wadeva Toa Payoh newscentre to claim my prize. He thinks I should stop relying on them and to be Miss independent. HA. HA. HA. What an excuse!!! I guess I am left with no choice then. I am going to this wu lu place ALONE!
Anyways... My cousin and I visited Chomp Chomp food court after our studying cause I had this craving for chendol today. And yeah...I fuifilled my wish of the day and had a roasted chicken wing, as well as a fried banana for a small snack before my dinner. Well...we actually sneaked out cause Ah ma would definitely scold us if she finds out that we are going out to eat. HEHE...
Well, I think I shall blog about my dearest mum today cos currently she is getting weird and naggy nowadays (funny at the same time)!!
It happened during lunch time, I was trying to scoop out the porridge cause it was too big a serving for me. So...there I was, happily scooping out the porridge out of my bowl to another empty bowl. All of a sudden, I heard her screaming "SSSSTTTTOOOPPPP!". Urgh...I almost got a shock of my life. I turned and wondered what's wrong and she's like " Pour it back to the rice cooker."
"But the porridge would be too hot if you were to eat it later"
"Just put it in. It would be too cold for us"
"So she took the rice bowl that I was transferring the porridge to and dump it all right in"
Hey.hey. Hey...wait....
I realised that was actually the bowl that i want!! Lols...I left with the large portion of porridge agian. LOLS!!! Look at how my mum had assisted me. Well done, mama!! -.-""
I joked with my cousins that indeed this is an unlucky day because my mum poured back all my porridge. They almost choked. HAHAHA...
Erm...maybe Friday the thirteen is really an unlucky day....

P.s I dreamt of Soyabean again! It is the second time in a row. YAYS!!
Labels: happy moments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
A wasted trip
4:42 AM
So cousins just moved in yesterday. They bought almost half of their house here; I mean literally. Seriously, they bought so much belongings with them till they filled the whole car boot up. Just imagine...
LOLS...I was laughing all the way through. It was so ridiculous to see them carrying blankets, pillows, make up bags, books...up the stairs. Worst of all, they bought food here too! Lettuce, carrots, tibits, bread, waffles... you name it, they bought it. It was as if a massive shifting happened in my house yesterday's night. HAHA.
Currently, I have just come back from my "english tuition". It was such an unlucky day today!I was just a few steps away from my tuition centre when I received a call noting that my tuition was cancelled. How unlucky could I get?! It just botheres me so much cause I have to sacifice some of my chemistry time to make time for this tuition. I have just wasted 2 1/2 hours including of the travelling time, preparation time, blah blah. Sighs... my precious time.
Eventually, I went amk hub for some light window shopping just as to make it not a so-wasted trip. Okays... I took a short 15 mins to browse through the whole mall cause there is seriously nothing much there. It is such a boring day. What fuelled my anger more is when I saw my bus leaving the bus stop just right in front of my eyes. The scene is so unbearable. URGH....I am getting so unlucky these days.
Labels: feeling blue.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
5:34 AM
Guess what??
I did not have any off my teeth plucked out!! YAY! I m so glad to have my teeth in place. However, I went there to "bu" both of my teeth which costs $92!! That is so costly. Erm...I wonder how much these dentist earns these days.
Anyways, on my way back home, my mum told me that dentist is the one earning the least among all doctors. I wonder who is that idoit one who told me that they earn the most! That is a huge difference kays!
The highlight of the day- my mum got her credit card stuck in the machine!!
LOLS...this so so funny. My mum wanted to withdraw some cash out but instead, got her card being "eaten" by the machine. We waited for 1 hour for the staffs to remove the card from the machine. was indeed a very very very long wait. to go. My cousinn are coming over for a week stay in my house. I've got to tidy my room before they comes at 8!! Argh...I m left with 20 mins. Opps....
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My super efficent day
10:23 AM
I finally satisfied my cravings for Nasi Lemak!!
LOLS, I woke up exceptionally early to sneak out and buy my Nasi Lemak. Opps... Haha. Phew! it was such a relief that my ah ma was busy preaparing her ingredients for the dumpings or else i would not been succesful in getting out of the house. It was such a close shave!
I managed to return in one piece, with a bread that I have also been craving for so long, a packet of HL milk and, of course, my nasi Lemak! I smuggled up a cup of chilled milk and my utensils and ate my breakfast in my room. Haha...I was careful thorough, making sure I would not leave any stains behind. The chilled milk and Nasi Lemak is such a perfect match! The 1 hour trip is definitely worth it! Mmm...I just wish like having another packet of it. Oh no...I m having another craving again!
I guess it was the Nasi-Lemak that gave me a boost for my scheduled plans. I was super duper efficent today!! I m not even a bit behind my schedule. HAHA...I found out that I m so obsessed with maths too. new hobby: dong maths!! I m serious, really.
Erm... I have an appointment with the dentist tmr. How I wish he would not pluck out my tooth. of my bottom row of front teeth has been bleeding of late. Erm... seriously, I would not want to pluck my tooth. Just imagine a missing tooth appearing of nowhere! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....
Labels: I don't want any tooth fairy
Monday, June 9, 2008
i m a MUGGER
8:53 AM
The first day of the third week is soon coming to an end. I mugged the whole day and managed to complete my chem homework (except for one or two questions). HAHA...I feel so satisfied with myself. usual, I did nothing except sleeping, eating and mugging for the whole day. I redid my June plans becos I thought some of it are just simply unrealistic goals and, of course, I did not manage to squeeze in all revision as a result of time constrain. I have no choice, Tien!
Anyways, I m down with a slight flu today while my mum is down with a throbbing headache. Hence, we have a sort of "family gathering" today. HAHA... through I stayed at home the whole day, we had quite a bit of laughter throughout the day. My dad, my mum and my brother made me laugh almost the whole day. I don't know what's wrong with me but I m so laugher-senitive today. I nearly choked on the dou sa bing when my brother asked me if I am going to the stadium for jogging at Serangoon Stadiun in the later evening. Okays...this is really not funny you should really hear him saying in that sickening tone. I almost splited out the pieces of tou sa bing and I simply kant stop laughing for the whole 5 mins. My mum and dad simply thinks that I m mad and very not lady-like. I DON'T CARE!!
Sighs...My taste buds are getting so sentitive today. I just feel like eating those prawn noodles and nasi Lemak from that coffeeshop. MMMM...
Anyways, I would really reccommend this game to everyone reading my blog. Okays...I admit that Im a game-noob so if u find it lame please don't say it right in my face. I M SO ADDICTED TO THIS GAME!!LOLS=)

Labels: Pick-a-boo
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Another Sunday
9:07 AM's another start of a new week. Coming to think of that, it shall mean that we are left with 14 days which means that the holidays would soon be over in no time!!How terrible is this!?
As usual, i woke up at 7.30 and went tuition at AMK. I had a slight shopping spree today and spent almost all my money. Okays, I know this is boring but i bought 2 math files from Popular, together with a marker.
Next in my shopping cart is the Cortny mask which has received many raves. Unexpectedly, I chanced upon it in Guardian and was attracted by it's package It comes with a face mask together with a neck mask!! Isn't it like killing two birds with a stone?! Moreover, it is such a steal at $1.95!! I shall comment on it once I used it!! HAHA,I confess that I m a mask-holic!
Anyways, I visited J8 after tuition to search for nice dresses, but none of them caught my eye. It is so boring!! Probably BYSI should have what i wanted but their products are so expensive (through i admit that they are of good quality). I am leadng such a sad life. LOL. I guess only two shoes from C&K caught my eye. should I describe them?
The first one is quite a casual type of shoe with a slight heel. But what's attractive about this shoe is that it is so vibrant in colour!! With orange, yellow, red, green colours against a white background, it is definitely a must-buy summer shoe!!
Next, We have heel number2. Erm...the shoe is a slighty higher than the first one and it is a wedges. With bling blings forming a rectangle at the front of the shoe simply dazzle up any outfit!! It just makes a perfect match with jeans or long pants! I just simply love these!! I LOVE C&K!!! Their shoes are so fashionable and pretty!! I shall plead my mum to buy them if i could (esp the one with a slight heel)!!HAHA.Sorry for my craze about shoes!!
Anyways, my dad is such an evil man today! Look what he had done to the poor birdie!! The poor birdie had it's legs tied up by some rayan strings. Hunging up in midair, with it's head facing downwards, I bet it must be a first time experience for him. As i approached it, it just kept flipping his wings continously, dangling himslf in mid-air, someting like the pirate ship. Do i look as if I am going to roast him?
Okays...currently, I heard from my ah ma that my dad wants to punish the bird for stealing our apples. I was like "okays..." -.-"
Eventually, he freed the bird. Erm...maybe he wasn't that bad afterall...
it was like 5hours later!! It is such a pity that I didn't get to see that moment. I guess I was sleeping like a log at that time.

Labels: i m in a SHOE CRAZE
Saturday, June 7, 2008
My BIG appetite
8:15 AM
I am feeling ravenous today. I woke up at 9am and watched my favourite xiao ting dang. Lols, i know i m kinda childish but seriously it is nice. Anyways, back to the topic, guess what i ate for breakfast?
I drank 3 glasses of water, 1 dumpling, 1 roti prata, 1 packet of mee fen, 1 handful of peanuts...and half a packet of chocolate waffles. This is so ridiculous. Erm...i just feel like munching so much today! The cozy and cool weather just makes me feel like a pig today. I did nothing much except sleeping and eating. HAHA.
I was late for my chinese tuition again. I feel so guilty! Luckily I arrived in time for the oral practices. Niu lao shi declared that she is focussing on orals for the sake of those taking'o' levels. Isn't she great? We did 4 topics today and it is sure benifical for us. I always love her lessons cause it is so inspirational. But it is sure a pity as this is my last third lessons with her.
I headed to hougang mall with a list of to-do/buy things in my head.
1) To buy 2 math files 2) to buy watery suncreen 3) To Top up my card so that i could borrow books.
I bought and did nothing in the end.
At first, I went to Popular, stared at the files for a long time and realised that that the files might not come to good use so decided to do my filing first before deciding on buying.
Next, I visited Watsons for my sunscreen but they do not come in the size that I want, therefore, i went on browsing through the sales they had instead. WOW... I just added 3 more items to my wishlist within that 5 mins. HAHA.
I did some random window-shopping after that and spotted a dress at Sense looks like the one Marie Digby was wearing during her " Say it again" video. Except for the fact that it is in black instead of orange. I love it!! I shall buy it if it is available in other colours. I shall look for it tmr in the AMK branch. HAHA...I m a shopaholic!!
Reached hougang interchange at 8.15 and had this guy stalking me all the way from hougang interchange to my bus stop. Luckily my instincts were strong enough and I m able to shake him off (I guess i shall not discuss about the details). EWWW...Coming to think of it, it just sends shivers down my spine. I shall call my mama to fetch me next time.
I reached home ard 8.40 and started another "buffet". Haha, I m eating so much today! I ate half a bowl of mee goreng, half a bowl of noodles, 2 satays... and before i knew it, I was full; really full. FULL STOP.
I guess that's all for today. I have to go bathe before it is too late. Byes...
P.s I heard from Olivia that Mr Tien appeared in the newspaper in the special column. NOW WE KNOW HIS AGE...haha

Labels: Dresses rocks
Friday, June 6, 2008
10:21 AM
1. Who are you chatting with now?`
no one
2. What you want the most now?`
Good grades and Soya=)
3. What's going to happen tomorrow?`
Nothing but studies- tuition and mugging.( I told u that I lead a boring life)
4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?`
I don't see the point of hating my friends. Maybe a certain degree of dislike when conflicts happens?! But...eventually, things would clear up and everything would be back to normal. No one is perfect, so learn to accept one's flaws.
5. When do you wish to die?` Before the world turns into an ugly place to live, when all my loved ones had left the world.
6. What impossible things you would wish to do?`
1)Travel around the world now
2)Stop global warming
3)Deminish all evil, hate, selfishness that lurks in everyone's heart. Let the world be a happy place to live in.
7. Do you believe in eternal love?`
Yeah. But these things takes both hands to clap.
8. Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?`
I don't think so, I hope not.
9. What if your crush asked you out?`
Sure, why not=)
10. Describe your other half.
I m still looking for him.
11. What feeling do you hate the most?`
Sadness and Selfishness
12. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?`
yes, of course.
13. The most important thing in your life.`
Studies. Love and concern from family and friends. Money. Okays...I listing too much.
14. Who do you hope to be always there for you?`
15. Do you find life meaningless?`
Sometimes but not too often. Maybe bacause we are too concerned with grades and studies that we neglect the another part of life. I guess things would get better as we grow older.
16. What have you been searching for all this while?`
17. List one thing that you're scared of.`
Creepy crawlies
18. What's your greatest wish?`
Having a very High IQ and EQ. World peace.
19. Which one do you believe in? FATE or DESTINY?`
20. What weird habits do you have?
Hitting my brother's tummy. Self-obsession.
21. What qualities your bf/gf must have ?`
To truely love me. Short and simple=)
Fading away...
9:12 AM
No 1 accomplishment of the day:
Completed all E/Amaths homework!
The days seems to be getting shorter and packed each day. It just feels like we have started our holidays but unknowingly, time has silently crept past everyone. It took me quite a few seconds to realise that the second week is ending soon. OH NO...
MUG-ED the whole day. Nothing special happened today except for the discovery of my brother's dirty little secret.
I gave him the I-know-yoour-secret smile upon seeing the "evidence" on the floor. He returned back a cheeky smile, so I continued my smile and held a threatening gaze with him for seconds. At first, he denied. But...eventually, he could not contain his laugher and burst out laughing, giving it all away. NOW I KNOW...haha.
I m such a good observer. LOLS.
URGH...I m feeling sssooo irritated cos pimples are popping up everywhere on my face, esp on my nose! Sighs... those small little volcanoes are multiplying day by day. It started with one innocent one, then two and now three. It seems like i m infested with very active volcanoes- those red, angry ones. In no time, they would form volanoes islands and.... OH NO!! I could not imagine that. My lovely cheeks...=D
Okays I m getting too obsessed with perfection here. Erm...I shall end my post here. Sweet dreams=)

Labels: Flawless complexion
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Ups and Downs
9:05 AM
We had school as usual, this time round, we had maths from 8-11. We were given 4 papers to do from last week and was told to complete by today. However, some of us didnt manage to complete them all so Ms Ng got quite angry becos of that.
Truthfully, the papers are not that easy at all. Completing them all is quite a difficult task, so I had to admit that I did not complete them all. I bet everyone didnt, most of us did attempt the questions but were only half-way done. Blame it on my luck, Ms Ng thought that I didnt do cos she just chanced upon my undone questions. Oh man, she must have had another bad impression of me!
We had the NE quiz after maths. It was, surprisingly, quite fun. Eventually, I was awarded a senior buider!! "Sexy" seah (I originated it) was like "in hot demand" throughout the whole 30mins session, answering questions after questions for us. I bet he lost his ense of direction after rushing from one pc to the next without much looking. LOLS, he was that busy. But thinking back of it, wasn't it our duty to do the questions by ourselves? haha.
So...We went compass after the session and went Pizza hut for lunch. We had quite a lot of fun there. MJ and I were like the "blurheads of the day" and we got all the orders mixed up. I forgot what I ordered and the only thing i rmb-ed was number 5. The waitess came and asked " Chicken Sup...., anyone" all of us stared at one another. I did not know what i ordered and was like saying " I ordered number 5, number5!" out of desperation. Evertually, I just took the order since no one claimed for it. I was about to tuck in when,the second order came. The waitess was like " chicken..., anyone?" I was like thinking, this one looks like mine. Even after minutes of staring and recalling, no on eclaimed the order. Eventually, I had to resort asking the waitess the number of the order. She was like "huh?". It was like so hilarous, no one knows their orders xcept for the numbers. We made a fool out of ourselves at that moment.
The waitess returned with the number of the second order. IT WAS FIVE! Who was the idoit that told me to take the first order? Eventually, we found out that MJ ordered hers wrongly, she wanted curry...(i forgot the name) but ordered chicken... because of the pictures. Haix...the misleding of numbers. Lesson learnt? Numbers could not be trusted. LOL.
After that, the seven of us went KFC and made a fool out of of ourselves, especially ME. Sighs...lets not talk about this.
Went stright to sleep upon reaching home. Woke up at five and realised that my tuition starts at 5 today. I ran all the way to the bus-stop with my home clothes, without my sunblock.
I was late for 20 mins.
The english class was quite funny today. It was the first time that I heard abut someone diverting his phone line to woodbridge. My teacher and the guy were like "agruing" who is the crazy one the whole session through. The english class today was, therefore, quite enjoyable.
Went AMK hub to check out the sales before returning home for dinner. I did some self-reflecting issues on the way home and realised that maybe, I should not be so obsessed about soyabean. I m not going to bother so much about soya and i m going to focus 101% of my attention on my studies. I wish i could make it through=)

Labels: I wonder, wonder
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
10:47 AM
The sucking blogger deleted everything i have written.
So just to conclude what I have to say: Treasure your friends and family before it is too late.
emo-ing.Labels: i just feel like lying on my mum's tummy.
The Hectic Sec4 life
10:10 AM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A one-day holiday
7:57 AM
A non-schoolday!
I spent my day following my June holiday plan and I must say it is really rush and hectic. I bet it is impossible for me to complete my chapters at this rate. I think I have only complete only half of what i m supposed to do. Oh man, i ned a back-up plan!! Unexpectedly, a lot of things cropped up st the last minute. I have to dye my mum's hair (i earned $5!!), do some last minute masks orders, complete my maths papers... This chores just seems to be never-ending.
I guess i ned more advice on time-management!! lols.
Nothing special happens today xcept for the new-addition of sofa in my living room. Currently, these sofas are from my rent-out house in yio chu kang. My mum has been nagging at my dad for sssooo long for shifting all these here and there. HAHA...I bet my mum is undergoing some menopause or something cos she is always repeating the same old thing over and over agian. It is quite funny to see her nag cos her face expressions is so weird. I just feel like laughing again!
The masks are ready for collection! Therefore, I have to collect the masks from my cousin's house tmr. I wonder if how could i carry $200 dollars worth of masks from there. OH... are the pictures i promised!!

The day before MYE. We were celebrating Pearl's brithday at cafe cartel and this photo was taken in Ah Kim's house, which we went after the lunch.

The day when we went KFC and rimed the cup with ice-cubes.

Pearl blowing and "shooting" those ices.

Our snoopy specially made for Weiting!! Please do not remind us about the elongated neck.lols. I know it is kinda obvious.

Labels: I feel like dancing=)